Mica Band Heater

Mica Band heaters are constructed with a mica core wound with wire. The core is then bent into a circle band. Leads are attached before the final outer sheaths are attached to complete the heater that’s why we are the best industrial Heater Manufacturer . Our Mica Band heaters can be installed directly onto barrel heaters without the requirement of initial heater removal. Only require one set of leads or terminals. Our Mica Bands are assembled with polished precision.
Mica Bands Mica bands can be made into many combinations, and are constructed similarly to the Thin band – with the exception of the following:
➤ The inner metal strip folds over to the outer diameter of the band.
➤ The leads are attached during the assembly of the core layers.
➤ The construction is thicker than a Thin band, and does not allow the flexibility for opening to the full length of the band.
➤ Mica Bands are available in Strip Styles.
Mica Band Capabilities and Benefits:
- Sheath temperature operates up to 900°F
- Watt densities are up to 45 W/in² (7.0 W/cm²)
- UL® Component Recognition is available for applications up to 900°F for sheath temperature.
- Clamping straps will assure efficient heat transfer.
- The low mass design allows quick heat-up and a quick response.
- Our design variations provide convenience and heater protection.
Mica Band Applications:

Plastic extruders, Injection molding machines, Blown film dies, container pipe, tank heating, Labs, Restaurant equipment, Pharmaceutical industries, Food industries, and other cylinder heating applications.
Mica Band Disadvantages:
- Choose a wattage that is as close to the required capacity as you can to prevent short cycling and wasteful operation.
- The operating temperature should be taken into consideration while choosing the watt density.
- The wattage should match the controllers' recommended voltage and current.
- Other considerations that should be considered when determining watts include the safe heating pattern of the material being heated, thermal conductivity, and the coefficient of expansion of the cylinder.